Sustainable Grain Australia

2020 Oilseeds, Seed Oil and Meal Review – Call for Submissions

2020 Oilseeds, Seed Oil and Meal Review – Call for Submissions


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n 2020 Oilseeds, Seed Oil and Meal Review – Call for Submissionsn


2020 Trading Standards Review commences – call for industry submissions

The AOF has custodianship of the Trading Standards for oilseeds, seed oils and meals.

These standards are open for review each year, to reflect any possible need for changes that may have arisen from the prior year’s harvest, as well as reviewing any possible needs for changes to the oils and meal standards.

The formal review of the Trading Standards will commence with the first meeting of the AOF Technical Committee for the year which will take place on March 26th. The process is iterative, consultative and transparent with any proposed changes provided to the broader value chain for review and comment. The new Trading Standards are published on August 1 each year.

You and/or your organisation are invited to propose changes to, or raise any issues with,  the current Standards in advance of the Technical Committee Meeting on March 26.

Furthermore, as this meeting is being held via webinar/teleconference, you are also invited to join the meeting at the appointed time.

Proposed changes should be directed to the undersigned in advance of March 26.

The current Trading Standards are hosted on the AOF and GTA website, and can be accessed via this link.

nContact: Nick GoddardnPhone: 02 80077553

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