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Glyphosate and Oilseeds

Glyphosate and Oilseeds

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n Glyphosate and Oilseedsn

n GLYPHOSATE AND OILSEEDSGlyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide used to manage weeds in Australian domestic gardens, public spaces and farms. Glyphosate has been registered for use in Australia for 40 years, and there are currently over 500 products registered in Australia that contain glyphosate.

As with all registered agricultural and domestic garden chemicals, glyphosate has been extensively reviewed by the appropriate Australian Government regulator, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), to ensure it is safe for human and environmental health, when used in accordance with label directions.

Australian farmers, including those growing oilseeds (such as sunflower, canola, soybean, cotton, linseed etc), are able use glyphosate with approved label rates to help manage the weeds in their farming operations. Weeds compete with the oilseeds for water and other nutrients in the soil, with farmers needing to reduce the impact of weeds in order to improve their crop yields. The Australian oilseeds industry acknowledges and defends the rigorous assessment processes undertaken by the APVMA to ensure chemicals registered for use are safe.  Glyphosate has been assessed as being safe by the APVMA, as well as other regulatory bodies around the world such as the European Food Safety Authority (2015), The European Chemicals Agency (2017), The New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (2016), Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (2015), The United States Environmental Protection Authority (2017). n For further information on glyphosate in Australia, visit: APVMA: National Farmers Federation: Life:  nContact: Nick GoddardnPhone: 02 80077553

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