Land Conversion and Clearing
Land conversion and clearing
This table outlines land categories with high biodiversity value according to the RED: Primary forests and other wooded land and forested areas.
Primary forests and other wooded land | Highly biodiverse forest and other wooded land | Continously forested areas | Forested areas with 10-30% canopy cover | |
Definition | - Land of native tree species - No clear visible indication of human activity, and - Ecological processes are not significantly disturbed | - Land that is species-rich and - Not degraded; or - Has been identified as being highly biodiverse by the relevant competent authority | - Span >1ha, trees higher than 5 meters and - Canopy cover >30% - or able to reach thresholds in situ - Excludes land that is predominantly under agricultural use* | - Span >1ha, trees higher than 5 meters and - Canopy cover 10-30% - or able to reach thresholds in situ - Excludes land that is predominantly under agricultural use* |
Land usage allowed after Jan 2008? | No | No | No | Yes, if GHG saving fulfilled |
Use of raw material from land? | No | Yes, if production of raw material does not imterfere with protection purpose | Yes, if land has same status | Yes, if land has same status |
*Land under agricultural use in this context refers to tree stands in agricultural production systems, such as fruit tree plantations, oil palm plantations and agroforestry systems where crops are grown under tree cover.